Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now | Jenny Brown
208 pages | Verso Books 10.1.19
An indispensable guide to abortion access in America, and a necessary argument for building a fighting feminist movement to protect women's rights
Anti-abortion justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. A misogynist in the White House. Abortion inaccessible to women in 85% of American counties. The stakes for women's ability to control our own bodies are high. In this spirited book, Jenny Brown describes what the United States looked like without legal abortion -- when feminist collectives organized abortion care -- and what women face trying to get an abortion today. Drawing inspiration and lessons from the women's liberation movement of the 1970s to the successful fight to make the morning-after pill available over the counter, to the recent mass movement to repeal Ireland's abortion ban, Without Apology is an indispensable guide for today's threats to women's autonomy. Brown argues that we need to move beyond the idea that abortion is a personal choice, beyond the idea that it should be "rare," beyond the idea that abortion is about privacy or that it shouldn't be politicized, and instead build a fighting feminist movement that can argue for abortion as women's collective social right -- without apology!