Psychogynecology | Wendy Lee Spacek
28 pages | Monster House Press
Psychogynecology is a mythic manifestation of feminine energy cured into a spell. An inconceivable moment jarred from the maw of a bird's warble, a worn banister in a house left to rot. These poems tussle & chew with the repression housed and implanted historically and culturally, through centuries and narratives, in the female body. Like storage units, these poems elicit a feeling of forgotten objects, of power to regain. A counsel of women driven to a last pack in a rural Indiana gas station. The relation of the man with the woman, the woman with the man. The invisibly dark matter tabooed out of tradition. Somehow ancient & precisely of this moment, Wendy Lee Spacek's poems minutely & intricately eschew the distinct beauty, sorrow, & tragedy of the customs and relations between genders—between humans and what they have made.