Make the Golf Course a Public Sex Forest! | Lyn Corelle & jimmy cooper, eds.
264 pages | Maitland Systems Engineering
What started as a Minneapolis intervention has blossomed into an international movement. Now we're proud to present a shameless slutty book of porn, history, and more from your favorite viral campaign. Featuring 28 stories and essays engaging with our call to take over the golf courses of the world. Guaranteed to inflame your brain and body.
Edited by Lyn Corelle and jimmy cooper, self-published under our imprint Maitland Systems Engineering. Featuring writing from:
Scott Branson
Mia Clay
Lou Daybreak
Sophie Durbin
Suz Evans
Peach Gallant & Val Schlosberg
Robin Hustle
Incalculable Debt
Raechel Anne Jolie
Fischer Kneissl
Erin Lynch
Bratti Lupone
Ash Marks
Hesper M. O'Connor
Lily O'Donnell
Ruby Pique
Clark Ruhff
Cameron Lee S.
Theresa Sweetheart
Adam Turay
Lily Woodruff & Grace Lavery