200 Crestview Rd. Hours: Wed 12-4:30, Thurs—Sun 11-4:30
Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement | Angela Davis
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory | David Graeber
Are Prisons Obsolete? | Angela Y. Davis
Abolish Work | Prole.info
The Wretched of the Earth: 60th Anniversary Edition | Frantz Fanon
Women, Race & Class | Angela Y. Davis
Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire | Daring, Rogue, Shannon, & Volcano, eds.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness | Michelle Alexander
Work: Capitalism, Economics, Resistance | CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective
Poverty, by America | Matthew Desmond
Care: The Highest Stage of Capitalism | Premilla Nadasen
Anarchism and Other Essays | Emma Goldman
Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement | Ejeris Dixon & Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, eds.
The Prison-Industrial Complex & the Global Economy | Linda Evans & Eve Goldberg
Black Skin, White Masks | Frantz Fanon
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa | Walter Rodney
Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care | Kelly Hayes & Mariame Kaba
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents | Isabel Wilkerson
Can't Pay, Won't Pay: The Case for Economic Disobedience and Debt Abolition | Debt Collective
Men We Reaped: A Memoir | Jesmyn Ward
How Nonviolence Protects the State | Peter Gelderloos
Never Work: Essays against the Sale of Life
A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster | Rebecca Solnit
Debt: The First 5,000 Years | David Graeber
Decolonial Marxism: Essays from the Pan-African Revolution | Walter Rodney
Abolition: Politics, Practices, Promises, Vol. 1 | Angela Y. Davis
Sister of the Road: The Autobiography of Box-Car Bertha, As Told To Dr. Ben L. Reitman
The Story of Jane: The Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion Service | Laura Kaplan
Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook | Crimethinc. Ex-Workers' Collective
Lost in Work: Escaping Capitalism | Amelia Horgan
A Feminist Theory of Violence: A Decolonial Perspective | Françoise Vergès
Mutual Aid | Peter Kropotkin