200 Crestview Rd. Hours: Wed 12-4:30, Thurs—Sun 11-4:30
Gender Queer: A Memoir | Maia Kobabe
Gender Queer: A Memoir—Deluxe Edition | Maia Kobabe
Banned Together: Our Fight for Readers' Rights | Ashley Hope Pérez, ed.—SIGNED BY AHP
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic | Alison Bechdel
The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir | Thi Bui
Special Topics in Being a Human: A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I've Learned the Hard Way about Caring for People, Including Myself | S. Bear Bergman
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood | Marjane Satrapi
Toussaint Louverture: The Story of the Only Successful Slave Revolt in History | C. L. R. James, Nic Watts & Sakina Karimjee
My Mom Had an Abortion | Beezus B. Murphy & Tatiana Gill