Light in the Dark/Luz En Lo Oscuro | Gloria Anzaldúa
Rewriting Identity, Spirituality, Reality
Edited by AnaLouise Keating
312 pages | Duke University Press
Light in the Dark is the culmination of Gloria E. Anzaldua's mature thought and the most comprehensive presentation of her philosophy. Focusing on aesthetics, ontology, epistemology, and ethics, it contains several developments in her many important theoretical contributions.
Gloria E. Anzaldua is one of the most generative and generous thinkers and storytellers in our times. In these rich auto-ethnographies she continues to search for what she calls the 'positive shadows' of personal and collective experience, spirit, and world. Anzaldua has the courage to write inside recesses and crevices to encounter what one does not necessarily want to know, but needs nonetheless to inhabit, tuned to change and possibility. In her unique speaking in entwined tongues, in Spanish and English, she is a multimodal guide in our hard times to 'active imagining' for worlds that may yet be. It is such a pleasure to see this book at last; it makes her legacy vivid when it is most needed.