Radical Domesticity #6 | Emma Karin Eriksson
16 pages | Pretty Dirty Press
Radical Domesticity six is all about adulting:
It starts off with a list of things you should check and look for when renting a room/apartment.
Then it goes on to talk about the joys of the dollar store and the horrors of Teflon.
Three different DIY projects that include: adding pockets to your tote bags (it will change your life) how to marble paper (the easy way) and how to make beautiful prints out of the most beautiful vegetable of them all: the beet.
I discuss my tips for cooking for one and how to make your grain of choice come out perfect every time.
Followed by how to dress for a job in the "real world" and we finish up with how to deal with two types of pest moths you're bound to come across.