Ten Myths About Israel | Ilan Pappe
192 pages | Verso Books | 5.2.17
Ilan Pappe is one of the most outspoken and radical thinkers writing on the history of Israel. In this groundbreaking and controversial book he outlines 10 of the most contested myths concerning the origins and identity of the contemporary state of Israel. The book is aimed at anyone interested to understand the news—students and activists. The ten myths include:
Palestine was an empty land at the time of the Balfour Declaration
The Jews were a people without a land
There is no difference between Zionism and Judaism
Zionism is not a colonial project of occupation
The Palestinians left their Homeland voluntarily in 1948
The June 1967 War was a war of 'No Choice'
Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East
The Oslo Mythologies: the failed negotiations of 1992 were the PLO's fault
The Gaza Mythologies: it was a question of national security to bomb Gaza
The Two-States Solution is the only way forward